Strength workout for martial arts. Martial arts is very good arts to learn. You need to be strong and you have very good strength. Strength workout Hey, my name is ayush Khokhar and i am cathelathics athlete and martial artist. You know karv maga is very good and effective martial arts form. You have to stop any move than you have to be very strong. I give you warm up and 3 exercise to do in home and park to be strong. 1.warm up 1.You do some rope jumping upto 1 minute. 2. Do running upto 1600 m. If you don't than you do standing running upto 15 minutes. 3. Swing hand in 360. And some other warm to do before exercise. 2. Workout routine. 1. Normal pushups 10 reps× 5 sets 2. Pull ups 9reps × 5 sets 3. Jumping squats 10 reps× 3 reps Than you can do it for strength and this workout for beginners and i i made video on this topic to do more exercise to develop very impressive strength. You can visit my channel to see core workou...
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